Sunday, April 5, 2009

When it rains it pours!

We were SO excited about the double engagement session for sisters Whitney and Amanda. We decided to wait for the rain to slow down over a hot cup of coffee but of course, when it rains in Indiana... it pours in Indiana. Although we re-scheduled both shoots, we decided to embrace the rain and did a few quick shots. A few quick shots turned into a soaking wet mess! A mess is worth it when you get rockin' images :)

Thanks for such a great time Whitney, Eric, Amanda and Justin!  We can't wait for engagement session numero dos and of course, the big day! 

Rach & Sar

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cara & Dustin Cooper!

Wow, seriously what an amazing wedding! Cara has been one of my best friends since the first grade... I just love this girl!  It was such a joy shooting her wedding and watching her take the next step with such a great guy.  A great guy with a last name that fits perfectly. Cara Cooper. How cool :) Rachel and I had a blast with the Coopers and ended up with so many fun pictures. I know you will have the adventure of a lifetime growing old together. 

Love you guys!

Sar (and Rach)