Wednesday, December 30, 2009

{Alison + Joe}

Ok...let's talk about high school sweethearts. Alison and Joe have known each other since first grade. How I know that is because I also have known them since first grade.

They pretty much are made for each other, although both of them I'm sure never felt that way back when we all had cooties.

I mean look at them!

I grew up hanging out in Joe's basement and in Alison's pool. We all had a blast together and it is such a blessing to be shooting a wedding for a couple that I know so well...and are so photogenic!

Love you guys!
~Sarah Liz

Monday, December 14, 2009

It's a love/hate relationship with Bakerella

I'm in love with Bakerella. This website makes you feel like you're an artist in the kitchen and have the ability and creativity to do just about anything with a bit of sugar. It looks that easy.

First, I thought for sure I could make wedding pops for my own wedding. Easy Breezy. How hard could it be? Two cookie cutters, frosting, a small heart confetti topper. easy peazy, right? hah. Right...
I would like to meet this cooking bakerella. She's like Martha Stewart. Martha makes every craft look she could do it in her sleep. Who are we kidding. Martha has a crew she hires for craft bearing assistance.

To practice my wedding cake pops I decided to make cake turkeys for Thanksgiving. And because I was inspired and in the cooking spirit, shopping for all of my cake-goodies, why not go ahead and buy the necessary items for my Christmas reindeer pops in the same shopping trip. At this point I'm apparently a cake-pop making guru.

And look! Those turkeys have those simple sweet heart shaped mouths. Just like the wedding cake-pops. What a coincidence. (PS. No one can ever find heart confetti in real life)

In two hours I think I made two turkeys. Those turkeys didn't end up looking like *her* turkeys. ugh -- ;lkajsdf;lkdiej (frustration!). By morning, the turkeys were toast. Dead. They fell apart :( No worries, I ate the cake (which was delicious!) but screw you bakerella! I wish I had your mad skills.

Those sweet, sweet cake pops are deadly. I will make a good looking cake pop someday. Underneath this frustration I'm really jealous (as if you couldn't tell :) Tips on making good cake pops anyone? If you've never made a cake pop, check out bakerella and you'll be tempted. Just like I was/still am.

With love,
Rachel Linnea

Sunday, December 13, 2009

{Costa Rica}

I just spent an amazing week in Costa Rica. We stayed in a small town called Tamarindo, over on the pacific coast. We spent the week sipping on Pina Colada's and laying by the pool. One day we went into Nicaragua where we saw the beautiful city of Granada, which looked a lot like New Orleans! Beautiful Architecture! We also stood at the mouth of the Masaya volcano which was an absolutely incredible site. What a beautiful country! Here are a few of my attempts at scenery pictures!

with love,
Sarah Liz

Wednesday, December 2, 2009